Where you should hang your mirrors and why

Mirrors are so much more than a looking glass to check your reflection, these super space expanding tools can transform a room when hung in the right place. You can of course hang a mirror pretty much anywhere, however if you want to make the most of your living space we suggest that you consider what you will be reflecting before you drill those holes.

Room with a view

A strategically placed mirror opposite a window can create the illusion of a second window in a room as it reflects a beautifully framed garden view to you and your guests. Whether your style is shabby chic or super sleek you can customise your mirror to suit your interior while bringing the outdoors in, perfect for apartment owners who may not have their own garden to sit in.

Beautiful bathrooms

Bathrooms are often the first room that comes to mind when thinking of spaces that require a mirror, however their use is as important as their appearance. A bathroom can become very hot and humid causing fogged mirrors, so instead of hanging your mirror over the sink, why not place it directly above a radiator to help clear the reflection quicker when you get out of the shower? If you are a little strapped for wall space in your shower room, then opt for an illuminated reversible magnifying mirror on a retractable arm.

Dress to impress

In the absence of a walk in wardrobe, a bedroom needs to be equipped with a full-length mirror in order to check out the most suitable style combinations each morning. By placing your mirror opposite a window you will reflect the maximum amount of light and flood your room with a warm, inviting glow, as well as illuminating your outfit in the process. If you have the wall space, a large mirror hung floor to ceiling will create a dramatic dressing space within your bedroom interior.

Open office

Mirrors are the perfect accessory for your desk because they help to make a smaller office feel much more spacious, plus if your desk faces a wall the mirror will enable you to see if anyone approached from behind which will help you to feel more relaxed while you work.

As you leave…

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Having a mirror near the front door enables plenty of light to be reflected back around your hallway, creating a bright, airy feel to what could otherwise be a slightly constricted space. Hang a long skinny mirror horizontally along a hall way for a contemporary edge that will instantly elongate your hall while allowing you to touch up your hair and make-up before heading out the door.

Fireplace feature

When most people think of a mirror, they will imagine a large one hung right over a fireplace which is not unsurprising seeing as this is the most common place for them to be found. The use of an ornate mirror as a central feature over a mesmerising log fire is well documented as the mirror allows the reflection of light and beauty within a room.

Kitchen with long mirror

How to make your home more attractive to buyers

Mirrors are one of the most versatile and easy to use decorative items that are significantly underused in our opinion. Far more than a feature hung above a fireplace, a mirror can be used in hundreds of different ways to bring light and interest to a room and they lend themselves to any interior design. From studio apartments to grand estates, every home can benefit from the use of mirrors, so why not read our top five most unusual ideas for using mirrors as decoration in your home.

First impressions count

The old sayings are often the wisest, and the entrance to your home is incredibly important as buyers will often quickly discount a property simply by glancing at your front door. Ensure that your path or driveway is tidy, free of leaves and clutter and your front door is clean with a working door bell. If you have a wooden door, fencing or railings that are looking a little tired, then freshen them up with a lick of varnish or paint to create a clean, inviting entrance to your home.

Smell the coffee

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Once you have drawn someone in to view your property, why not welcome them with the delicious smell of freshly ground coffee? According to nationwide surveys, there is nothing more homely than the smell of coffee brewing, but if coffee is not your thing, then opt for gently scented fresh flowers such as roses or lilies to offer your guests a pleasing aroma and beautiful welcome upon entering your home.

Making space

In any home there will inevitably be some cluttered areas so it is worth taking the time to organise your belongings and streamline them in good time ahead of your prospective buyers visit. If you live in a home that is particularly small then you can make good use of the available space with clever built-in storage and also use strategically placed mirrors to create the illusion of a larger room. A mirror hung above a fireplace can provide a focal feature whilst effectively reflecting the opposite wall or window to suggest the continuation of a room. Mirrors are also perfect for darker spaces as they reflect light back in to a room and so are a pretty yet practical addition to hallways and landings in period properties.

Let there be light

Whether you are currently living in a flat on the fourth floor or in a five bedroomed detached house, lighting is of great importance to your prospective buyers, and not least of all because they will want to see what they are looking to buy! Adequate lighting starts at your front door, so why not invest in some solar powered path lights to illuminate their walk to your home. Ensure that every room is fully lit, with additional lower watt lamps to provide soft, ambient lighting as necessary.

Wardrobe with mirrored doors

Ditch the baubles and decorate your house with mirrors

Mirrors are one of the most versatile and easy to use decorative items that are significantly underused in our opinion. Far more than a feature hung above a fireplace, a mirror can be used in hundreds of different ways to bring light and interest to a room and they lend themselves to any interior design. From studio apartments to grand estates, every home can benefit from the use of mirrors, so why not read our top five most unusual ideas for using mirrors as decoration in your home.

Changing rooms

If you are getting bored with your living areas but don’t have a big enough budget to refit kitchens or replace furniture, then why not get creative and upcycle your existing furnishings with mirror panels? Kitchen cabinet doors can be easily fitted with adhesive mirrored glass to provide a brand new high shine look that will reflect light back into the room, or why not add glass panels to your wardrobe doors to free up floor space taken up by a free-standing mirror?

Get the layered look

Large ornate mirrors are stunning when hung above a fireplace and they beautifully reflect the soft lighting in the room to create a warm, inviting ambience. However if you want to create a real statement in your living space why not prop a beautiful empty gilded frame against the mirror to add interest and really draw the eye in to the heart of your room.

Show me the money

If you have some heirlooms, pieces of art or ornaments that have great sentimental value that you want guests in your house to see, then why not give them pride of place on a table in front of an oversized vintage mirror? The decorative edging will frame your items perfectly while the mirror glass will reflect their image around the room making each item truly unmissable.

Deck the halls

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Rather than boughs of holly this season, why not opt for a large collection of mismatched ornate mirrors grouped together right across your hallway wall? Multiple mirrors are sure to attract admiring glances from all your guests as they enter your home and the stunning effect of the mirror glass will bring light into even the darkest of hallways in the winter months.

A night on the tiles

If you love entertaining and regularly hold dinner parties and soirees then why not invest in some mirrored wall tiles to create a feature wall? The mirrored tiles are incredibly easy to apply and they instantly add a touch of old school glamour to any room, form kitchens and dining rooms to bars and lounges. You can apply the tiles in a uniform manner to build a full mirrored wall or in a bespoke pattern to create an eye catching art feature that will reflect the room’s activities as your guests’ party the night away.